How to Trigger Email Reminders Once The Survey is Active?
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    How to Trigger Email Reminders Once The Survey is Active?

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    Article summary

    Who can use this feature?

    Available to super admins, sub-admins and managers

    Once the survey is active, only email reminders can be triggered. You can reach out to to get the other channel reminders scheduled.

    The reminders will be sent only to the unanswered participants

    Step 1: Log into your CultureMonkey account and go to Reports module from the left panel.

    Step 2: Open the survey for which you want to send out the reminders to the unanswered participants.

    Step 3: On the summary page of the survey report, you can find reminder email template in the Key Stats tile. Just below the reminder email template, click on the green highlighted text. Once you click on it, a drop down containing the available email templates will open up.

    Step 4: Once you have selected the desired email template, click on the send reminder option just below the green highlighted text. You will be prompted to confirm the action and once you confirm it by clicking on yes do it, the email reminder will be scheduled to go out in the next 5-10 minutes.

    Once the reminders are triggered, you will notice a new tile Reminders showing up below the Key Stats. This tile will give the list of reminders along with the date and channel. On the Reminders tile, if the date stamp in in bold in means the reminder is scheduled and yet to be sent.

    Whenever you trigger reminders using the above listed steps, the reminders gets scheduled and will be triggered in the next 5-10 minutes. The date stamp on the Reminders tile will fade out as shown on the image below once the reminders has been sent out to the unanswered participants successfully.

    Customising the Email Templates

    We have a dedicated section just for previewing/editing/adding/deleting the email templates under the Email Templates module which can be accessed from the left panel.