Setting up Surveys using Existing Templates
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    Setting up Surveys using Existing Templates

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    Article summary

    Who can use this feature?

    Available to super admins, sub-admins and managers.

    CultureMonkey offers a pre-built library of employee related survey templates for you to pick from. CultureMonkey's survey templates also would enable you to track metrics like employee wellness, inclusivity, job satisfaction and more.

    This article would explain the process of setting up surveys using existing templates from CultureMonkey Library.

    Log in to your CultureMonkey account and go to the Templates section in the left panel.

    Go to templates section.gif

    Choosing a survey template

    Once you click on Templates section in the left panel, you will be taken to survey templates library which would contain all the pre-built survey templates.

    Screenshot 2022-08-10 at 11.00.35 PM.png

    All the templates have a theme which would be listed on the top under Choose a template. You can navigate to the desired theme by clicking on the listed theme.

    Screenshot 2022-08-10 at 11.07.38 PM.png

    Previewing the content of the survey templates

    Once you have decided on the survey template, hover over the survey template to view the options - Preview and Select this template.

    Screenshot 2022-08-10 at 11.14.42 PM.png

    Click on Preview to view the content of the survey template.


    Survey Template Customisation

    The contents of all the survey templates in the library are fully customisable.

    Launching the survey from the template

    1. When you hover over the desired template, you would be able to view two options - Preview and Select this template.

    2. Click on Select this template to select the template.

    3. Now you will land at the survey creation page with the content of the template preloaded.

    4. The rest of the steps are very same as setting up any custom survey. You can customise the survey as desired.